I am an AI Engineer with an expertise in computer vision and NLP. I have done research work developing new deep learning methods and in developing and deploying machine learning pipelines for web and mobile applications.
Areas of Expertise
Machine Learning Deep Learning Computer Vision Natural Language Processing
Neural Radiance Fields Implementation - 2022
Northwestern University
Implementation light weight neural randiance fields for 3D
Deep Learning Computer Vision Neural Rendering
Data Efficient Image Segmentation - 2022
Developed deep learning method of automatically segmenting animal images using only bounding box labels for animal identification pipeline. Dramatically reducing the cost of annotation.
Deep Learning Computer Vision Image Segmentation
Video Super Resolution - 2021
Northwestern Image Video Processing Lab Research
Worked on research using attention based transformer model to super enhance resolution of video.
Deep Learning Super Resolution Transformers PyTorch
AI Narrative Generation - 2021
Northwestern University Research
Worked on research designing system using emotion controlled deep transformer models and narrative frames to generate coherent narrative scripts.
Controlled Generation GPT-2 Transformer PyTorch Python OOP
Novel Neural Cellular Automaton - 2021
Multi Agent Modeling Course
Designed neural cellular automotan for novelty generation metrics for continious cellular automaton system to train neural network and genetic algorithm models to generate maximally novel patterns
Cellular Automaton Deep Learning Genetic Algorithms Novelty Search PyTorch
Deep Reinforcement Learning Trading Agent - 2021
Advanced Deep Learning Course
Implemented research paper using deep reinforcement learning to make trading decisions on multiple stock indices and using transfer learning on component stocks to improve performance.
Deep Reinforcement Learning Transfer Learning Stock Index Data PyTorch
Citizens Police Data Project Analysis - 2020
Data Science Course
Explored and analyzed Citizens Police Data Project to better understand how policing varies between communities in Chicago.
Data Visualization Predictive Modeling Pandas SKLearn
AI Pacman Competition - 2020
Artificial Intelligence Course
Created AI agents to play team based Pacman capture flags game in team project. Iterated AI design through competition.
Reinforcement Learning AI Search Algorithms Numpy
Trivia Strategy Game - 2020
Benedictine University Capstone Course
Worked on team project to help create platform where companies can raise money by setting up live team based trivia competitions with the goal of conquering the game map. Implemented payement system, chatbot, and bots that play with live users.
MEAN Stack Frontend Development Backend Development Angular.js Node.js
Vananj - Graphics Market - 2019
Helped build graphics market designed to simplify work for buyers. Worked on system design, development, product iteration, and marketing.
Django Web Development Marketing
Computer Vision Adversarial Defense - 2019
Benedictine University Research
Worked on creating a defense against adversarial attacks for image models using a VAE to reconstruct the perturbed image. Constantly working on improving approach
VAE Adversarial Defense TensorFlow
Mindstak - Discussion Platform - 2019
Created discussion platform designed to make online discourse more productive by rewarding users for changing minds and achieving common ground on disagreements.
Django Web Development Marketing
Bayesian Model Loan Default Prediction - 2019
Probability and Statistics Course
Used Bayesian Networks to make predict whether user will default on loan.
Bayesian Networks Loan Default Prediction R
Deep Learning Deawing Renderer - 2018
Machine Learning Course
Created a Pix2pix style deep neural network model with the objective of rendering simple drawings to look realistic
Deep Learning Generative Modeling Autoencoder GAN Ensemble Modeling Keras
Deep Learning Learning Stock Market Prediction - 2018
Independent Project
Used machine learning models to predict trends of S&P 500 and DOWJIA indicies based on Google trends search sentiment.
Deep Sequence Learning Google Trends Stock Index Data Keras
Space Time Horizon Mobile Game - 2018
Independent Project
Created mobile strategy game where the user must use time travel and teleportation to avoid enemies and reach the exit portal in time.
Cross Platform Development LibGDX Box2D Physics Marketing Java OOP
Strategy Maze Desktop Game - 2018
Object Oriented Design Course
Helped design and create java desktop game where user must navigate through maze while avoiding enemies in team project.
Object Oriented Design Java OOP
Rocket Coyote Game - 2018
Independent Project
Created Android mobile game where user taps to control player and collect coins.
Android Development UI Design Java OOP